Please join us forBubbles & Amuse Bouche
Annual General Membership Meeting which includes:
Installation of Officers
Season Preview with Maria Todaro, FGO General Director & CEO

as she describes the 2024-2025 FGO Opera Season
Saturday, May 18, 2024
Happy Hour from 4:30 to 7PM
Café Vico
1125 North Federal Highway
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304
Cost: $50 per person
There will be an abundance of hors d’oeuvres, and each person will receive two drink tickets.
2024-2025 Officers to be Installed
Patrice Tedescko, Esq. President
Dahlia Blake, MD, VP of Ways & Mean
Claire Crawford, DPA, VP of Membership
Tracy Roloff, VP of Public Relations
Maria Salgado, Treasurer
Manohara Ferretti, Recording Secretary
Chris Ingalls, Corresponding Secretary